Ushna Shah got married ten days after Fahad Mustafa revealed her wedding date on television. With her family and friends present, the actor wed her beau Hamza Amin during a daylight nikah ceremony in Karachi. Ushna looked wonderful as a bride while wearing a stunning blood red dress with substantial silver decorations.
But, when images from Ushna's wedding surfaced online, people weren't pleased with the & quot blood crimson for a day event & quot Many people also objected to the Habs actor's belly being shown. Even yet, the starlet had the ideal response for all trolls, which was to keep their mouths shut.
Her indian look of her wedding becomes the most popular topic of debate in Pakistan. Her fans also get disappointed when they see her in Indian look and belly showing lehnga. Most of her fans also likes her but most of them gives negative comments. Her fans are also right in their perspective because as a Pakistan actor she needs to promte her own culture instead of others, but that's okay it's her own choice. She have right to choose whatever she wants.
A few hours after getting married on Sunday night, she posted a photo of her henna-covered hands flashing an engagement ring to Instagram with the caption, & quot Mrs. Amin. Those of you who object to my attire should know that neither you nor anybody else paid for the colour of my red. My jora and jewellery are all from Pakistan. But half of my heart is Austrian. She ended by saying a brief prayer for her successful marriage.
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